Mersing understands that excellence in Health, Safety and Environment are vital to the well-being, of all people everywhere, and essential to all aspects of our global business. Hence, we look for long term solutions to address the needs of our clients, whilst adopting the safest methods to execute the job, understanding geology of the grounds we work on, protecting the condition of the environment, as well as the flora and fauna of the area. Our company has developed and implemented formal Quality Management System which meets the requirements of the esteemed certification standards of ISO 9001:2015. We comply with applicable Environment Safety Health Laws & Regulation, which includes Local, DOE and OSHA requirements.
These policies includes:
We ensure that design methods and tooling equipment are applicable to laws and regulations of the country we operate on.
We minimize risk to our employees, the public and the environment, and constantly alert and watch out for one another.
We keep ourselves updated with any external factors, and improvise our safety plans accordingly, without delays.
We ensure that employees are operating in a state of good health and alertness.
We believe all occupational injuries and illnesses are preventable
We are committed to improve our Health, safety and environmental standards every year.
We respect the diverse environments and cultures in which we operate in
We endeavour to collaborate as a team, with sub-contractors which share our Health, Safety and Environment commitment, and ensure regular assessments on their progresses.
We support open communication between Mersing and the client; and we work with their public interest groups who conduct research, report, develop and implement standards for Health, Safety and Environmental protection.
We encourage reporting of all Health, Safety and Environment related hazards, potential hazards, incidents and near-hits. We take each report seriously, and always investigate to identify facts and ensure immunity for good-faith reporting of all incidents and issues.